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Enter your address, Block range, or intersection in the search box below. Type "BLK" or "Block" for block range. Type the word, "Interstate" to select Interstate 295 or 395.
Example of Block range: 1600 Block K St NW
Example of Intersection: 14th street NW And U STREET NW

Location Type Examples
Address: An address consists of a street number, a street name, and a quadrant (NE, NW, SE, SW). The address number and street name are required.
Example: 441 4th ST NW
Or SSL Format: Square,Lot Example: 0101,0058 (no spaces)

Block: A block consists of a street and any other cross streets.
Example: 4th ST NW from D Street NW to E Street NW or 400 Block of 4th St NW

Intersection: An Intersection consists of two streets
Example: 14th ST NW and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, or 14th ST NW & Pennsylvania Avenue NW