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Reserved Parking: for non-recurring events lasting 16 hours or less
Moving Truck To reserve curbside parking spaces for a moving truck at a residential property. The maximum time allowed for a moving truck to remain in public space is 2 days.
Wedding To reserve up to 4 curbside parking spaces (each measuring 22 feet long) for use by wedding related vehicles.
Funeral Service To reserve curbside parking spaces (each measuring 22 feet long) for use by funeral related vehicles.
Other Reserved Parking To reserve up to 4 curbside parking spaces (each measuring 22 feet long) for other short term non-recurring events lasting no more than 16 hours, such as a family celebration, residential or commercial valet parking event occurring only 1 or 2 times a year, health screening van or other public service vehicles
Non-Construction Related Public Space/Right of Way (ROW) Occupancy (May include No Parking)
WMATA-Bus Bridge Important Notice: This Event Type is only for WMATA. No other applicant is allowed for this event type.

This permit type is to temporarily restrict or prohibit public access to curbside parking on selected blocks to allow WMATA to create a temporary bus stop for their passenger drop off and passenger pickup, due to the Summer 2024 Metro Red Line Shutdown. The locations for this permit type includes downtown Silver Spring, Farragut South, and up to 16th Street NW.
Non-Essential Retailer Curbside Pick Up Zone To reserve curbside parking spaces for Retail Pickup for retailers who have qualified for an EARS DMPED Waiver. Permits will be effective through March 31, 2021. You must have an Approved Waiver from DMPED before you apply for this permit type.
Restaurant Curbside Pickup To reserve curbside parking spaces for Restaurant Food Pickup.

Important Notice: This permit type is only for ANCs, BIDs, CIDs, and Main Streets. If you are not one of these entities please contact your local ANC Commissioner, BID, CID, or Main Street. For information on ANCs visit; for information on BIDs, CIDs, and Main Streets visit
Moving Storage Container To reserve curbside space for a moving container at a residential property. The maximum time allowed for a moving container to remain in public space is 5 days and is limited to 2 containers.
Debris Removal/Clean Out: (May include No Parking)
Roll Off Debris Container To prohibit curbside parking to temporarily place a roll off debris container (dumpster™) in the parking lane for work that does not require another type of public space permit or a DOB building permit. To place a debris container (dumpster™) elsewhere on public space or when using the container for work requiring another type of public space permit or a DOB building permit, please apply for a Construction Staging Area permit.
Work or Excavation Related Public Space/Right of Way (ROW) Occupancy (May include No Parking)
After-Hours Activities The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will authorize after-hours permit activities in the public right-of-way. After-hours permit activites cover any work and operations conducted outside standard operating hours, Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., excluding public holidays. All private users of public space are required to obtain a permit from DDOT before occupation or excavation of the public right-of-way.
Construction Staging Area To temporarily restrict or prohibit public access to all or portions of a public roadway, alley or sidewalk due to construction or excavation related activities, or to temporarily place construction related materials or equipment on public space. You may apply for occupancy at a specific address, block range, or intersection. If applying to occupy multiple blocks, please select the “block” option and you will be prompted for each block individually.
Manhole Access 1 Yr For a utility company to apply for a public space permit to access manholes within the street ROW (multiple occurrences over a one year period)
Manhole Access 11 days For a utility company to apply for a public space permit for the one-time access of a manhole within the street ROW within an 11-day time period.
Mobile Crane Work Zone To temporarily restrict or prohibit public access for the purpose of staging a mobile crane on the street ROW for hoisting. Includes area for material or equipment staging. If this work will be done before 7:00am or after 7:00pm Mon through Sat or at any time on Sunday a separate After Hours permit is required from DOB.
Steel plate- Single location To temporarily place Non-Rotating steel plates on the street ROW to cover excavations in the roadway. (must have tracking number for the related pending excavation permit application or valid permit)
Steel plate- Rotating plate Program To temporarily place Multi-phased Rotating steel plates on the street ROW to cover excavations in the roadway. (must have tracking number for the related pending excavation permit application or valid permit)
Other Work Related Occupancy To temporarily occupy a portion of the street ROW for work or activities that are not related to a block party, special event or the sale or promotion of commercial goods or services.
ENP For DDOT Contractors Emergency No Parking Permit For DDOT Contractors
Small Cell Maintenance 1 Yr This permit type is for Small Cell MLA holder carriers to access the small cells installed on streetlight poles for maintenance purposes only.
Public Space Fixture
Banner and Seasonal Display To install a banner or seasonal display on a District Department of Transportation (DDOT) street light pole. The banner theme should focus on neighborhood or community related messages or events as much as possible.
Occupancy for Large Special Events (May include No Parking)
Block Party To obtain No Parking signs or to apply for a public space permit for any equipment or structures associated with the event.
City Event To obtain No Parking signs or to apply for a public space permit for any equipment or structures associated with this event. You must have already applied through the Special Event Task Group at Basic Business Licensing Division, please call 202-442-4310 or 202-439-2760 or visit them at 1100 4th Street, SW, W270, Washington DC 20024.
Marathon To obtain No Parking signs or to apply for a public space permit for any equipment, structures or fixtures associated with the event. Must already have applied with the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency for the applicable permit(s) associated with staging the event. For more information, please see or call (202) 727-6161.
Parade To obtain No Parking signs or to apply for a public space permit for any equipment, structures or fixtures associated with the event. Must already have applied with the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency for the applicable permit(s) associated with staging the event. For more information, please see or call (202) 727-6161.
Other Special Events To obtain No Parking signs or to apply for a public space permit for any equipment or structures associated with this event. You must have already applied through the Special Event Task Group at Basic Business Licensing Division, please call 202-442-4310 or 202-439-2760 or visit them at 1100 4th Street, SW, W270, Washington DC 20024.
Special Operations Division This permit option is only for Authorized Personnel from the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), US Secret Service, Homeland Security Emergency Management Agency and other selected Special Service Agencies.
TV and Film (May include No Parking)
TV & Film May only obtain No Parking signs authorized by the TV & Film permit. This public space permit may only be applied for by the D.C. Office of Motion Picture & Television Development. For more information, please see or call (202) 727-6608.
Public space Rental and Annual Permit
Parking on Public Space Apply to rent an area of public space for the purpose of parking or storing motor vehicles; usually at commercial properties. (Requires P. S. Committee approval)
Farmers' Market To stage a farmers' market and to obtain No Parking signs for the event(s). The permit will limit the farmers’ market to 26 days of operation over a 6 month period, but may be renewed.
Vaults Apply to rent subsurface public space for various uses allowed by the DC Building Code, including the parking of motor vehicles.
Intercity Bus To authorize the establishment of curb side Intercity Bus Stop and to have signage installed. An Intercity Bus provides regularly scheduled bus service for the general public with limited stops between the District and other areas not in close proximity of the District.
Commuter Bus To authorize the establishment of curb side Commuter Bus Stops and to post signage on an existing pole or to post signage on a new pole. A Commuter Bus is a public/private vehicle with more than 15 seats that transports commuters to and from locations within the District.
Shuttle Service A van or bus that is used to transport passengers between worksites.
Sightseeing Bus To authorize the establishment of curb side Sightseeing Bus Stops and to post signage on an existing pole or to post signage on a new pole. A Sightseeing Bus is a private vehicle with more than 15 seats used for public sightseeing or touring within the District.
Valet Staging Zone Annual Permit authorizes a Permittee, often a restaurant, to have a curbside Valet Staging Zone on a weekly scheduled basis to provide valet parking services to patrons. (Requires P. S. Committee approval)
Tour Bus A bus used for sightseeing and touring purposes, and used to transport passengers principally from one (1) destination to another and back to the original destination.
Event Venue Valet Permit Annual permit authorizes a Permittee to have an occasional curbside Valet Staging Zone to provide valet parking services to those attending events at the property. (Requires P. S. Committee approval)
Moving Container Company Annual permit authorizes the mobile storage container provider to do business in the District of Columbia public space. Customers of the provider must obtain a separate Occupancy/Parking permit.
New Sidewalk Cafe Enclosed Apply to rent public space for the purpose of establishing a new enclosed sidewalk cafe permit. Requires Public Space Committee approval.
New Sidewalk Cafe Un-Enclosed Apply to rent public space for the purpose of establishing a new Un-Enclosed sidewalk cafe permit. Requires Public Space Committee approval.
Change Size of Cafe Seating Area For changing the cafe dimension only. This permit application also requires Public Space Committee approval.
Change Cafe Hours of Operation Change in cafe hours of operations requires a Public Committee approval.
Convert to Enclosed Cafe Convert an existing Un-enclosed sidewalk cafe to enclosed sidewalk cafe. Other modifications such as adding furniture will need separate permit application. Requires Public Space Committee approval.
Add Furniture/Equipment to Cafe Plans This is to add more tables/chairs and other equipment to an existing sidewalk cafe. Requires Public Space Committee approval.
Sidewalk Cafe Name change Only This is to change cafe name due to ownership change or other reasons for an existing sidewalk cafe.
Parklet Apply to construct a public parklet within a metered on-street parking space as part of DDOT’s pilot program. Permits will be valid for up to one year.